Title: Corporate Chanakya: sucessful Management the Chanakya Way
Author : Radhakrishan Pillai
Abstract :

Chanakya. wholived in 4th Century BC. was a leadership guru par excellence. His ideas on howto identify leaders and groom them to govern a country have been welldocumented in his book Kautilya\'s Arthashastra. In this Audio book series theauthor simplifies the age-old formula of success for leaders of the corporateworld through \'Successful Management the Chanakya Way\'.

Leadership Lessons:It has 70 chapters which talk about...

·        Power

·        Qualitiesof Leader

·        Competition

·        People

·        What aleader should not do.

Management Lessons: It has 70 chapters which focus on...

·        ManagingEmployees

·        Finance

·        Team Work

·        Strategy

Training Lessons: It has 35 chapters which talk about...

·        EmployeeTraining

·        Trainingto Higher Authorities

·        Organization

·        Advice


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