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Information @ your fingertips….!!!!

Find Book
OPAC provides the facility of searching, browsing and reserving physical materials available at Library. The library catalogue is searched by author, title, publisher, keyword & year of publication.
KBS In-house Publication
KBS In-house DVDs
   Article Alert Service

 Article Alert Service

Through this service, library provides the selected list of articles with complete bibliographical details along with web links wherever available. Its helps those to keeping abreast of current developments and publications in there subject area & also you can get pin-point information.

 News paper clipping service

We maintain subject wise files to keep the useful newspaper articles.

 Photocopy service

Photocopy machine are available in premises. The student can make restricted number of pages (not exceeding 10% of total number of pages in a book), Articles from periodicals and newspapers , question papers. Library strictly follows copyright laws while providing this service.

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